Coming Soon! (9 Sessions) – Energy Codes Book Study

5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

The Energy Codes is a powerful 7- Step system in Quantum Science, Energy Medicine and Spirituality teaching practice of embodiment that show you how to use your body to train the mind to awaken to your greatest life experience, that of living from the true, Soulful Self. It’s time to master your energy as you move from survivorship to living magnificence as the true creator of your life!

In this multi-series book study club based on The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter, you will : 

• Learn to heal on every level of your life.
• Create a powerful shift in your reality! Become happier, healthier, and more successful, more easily by living your true path
• Practice Intentional Breathwork for energy release and physical and Emotional healing.
• Experience Peace with yourself, harmony, with others, and relaxation in life.
• Lock in a clear understanding of Quantum Science that can help you self-heal forever.
• Discover how to access the Unified Field of Possibilities and manifest it as your own!
• Learn the language of the soul and become the soul in action.
• Transcend the personality and ALL of its limiting beliefs for a life that flows with ease.
• Heal pain in your body and turn on the vital force you are meant to be in the world.