As a Facilitator of The Energy Codes work, I am part of a globally-supported community of individuals sharing the life-changing practices and principles of The Energy Codes® by Dr. Sue Morter. I have studied with Dr. Sue since she was teaching BEST with her Father in 2007, and I have witnessed her transformation; it has been exponential. She has shared and support every member of her community to grow and shift along her side; she has help me to discover my passion and reveal my purpose through the application of the Energy Codes.
Helping Dr. Sue as a facilitator to spread The Energy Codes to our local community, allows people to be reconnected to the truth of who they are for the greatest good of humanity….As we raise human consciousness, I am excited about influencing change by sharing the Energy Codes in Corporations as part of their wellness program, also empowering community members and leaders to create a positive impact about the importance of becoming Human Friendly; as we let smart be wise and learn to make the choices that will directly impact our sustainable well-being.
By attending an Energy Codes workshop or study group, additional to the benefits of the practice, you also become part of a larger collective of individuals awakening and healing humanity through their study of The Energy Codes.7

Book signing with Dr Sue

The Energy Codes have helped countless individuals with the techniques taught during the coursework. It has helped many reveal and unlock the capacity to move beyond “healing what is broken,” or “releasing what is no longer wanted” to a new perspective that transforms everything in life into undeniable evidence that one is a profoundly powerful creator.  Based in both quantum and traditional science woven in with contemporary thought, this work clarifies aspects of everyday life, and leads to benefits from cutting edge discoveries in health and science.