NAET Initial Consultation & Treatment



Through the use of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET®) Therapy, we can achieve profound relief of allergic responses. A therapy involves the stimulus of, and manipulation of specific points along the body’s meridian pathways, while incorporating specific breathing patterns. The body is reset, and energy flow is restored allowing the balance for the body to heal.

One allergen is treated at a time. If you are not severely immune deficient, you may need just one treatment to desensitize one allergen. A person with mild to moderate amount of allergies may take about 15-20 office visits to desensitize 15-20 food and environmental allergens. Basic essential nutrients are treated during the first few visits. Chemicals, environmental allergens, vaccinations, immunizations, etc. are treated after completing about ten basic essential nutrients.


NAET does NOT claim to cure allergies or food, chemical and environmental sensitivities. NAET does not support the use of lasers in lieu of acupressure and acupuncture modalities. Do-it-yourself, at-home type kits can be extremely dangerous or harmful. Laser devices to treat allergies are currently being investigated by the FDA for inappropriate activities and claims. NAET is not responsible for any damage that is done by the use of such devices attempting to mimic NAET techniques. Any and all food allergy treatment must be supervised by an approved and licensed health professional.

Please complete set of Intake Forms located here.  This assessment and questionnaire will help you identify the physical and emotional stressors in your life. By taking your time and completing thoroughly you’ll have taken first step towards your wholeness. Please bring the completed forms with you to your initial consultation. We look forward  to taking the next step in your health and wellness, supporting you with loving presence.